Transparency and Business Ethics Program
BioCarbon has a Corporate Ethics and Transparency Program that is composed of a set of policies and procedures that have the function of identifying, detecting, preventing, managing and mitigating the corruption and transnational bribery risks, among others, to which BioCarbon is exposed.
We are fully committed to instilling a strong ethical culture and ensuring compliance with all Anti-Corruption legislation, including but not limited to the United Nations Convention against Corruption (UNCAC, 2005), the European Union’s Anti-Corruption Policy (Article 29 of the Treaty on European Union), the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act of 1977 (FCPA) and the United Kingdom Bribery Act of 2010 (UK Bribery Act).
In this context, we have developed our Anti-Corruption Policy and Procedures, which specifically govern the required behaviors and business conduct concerning fraud, corruption, transnational bribery, and associated misconduct. All BioCarbon team members and third parties must adhere to this Policy and the internal controls established.
We reserve the right to take any necessary action to sanction individuals who participate in corrupt acts, engage in corruption, or breach any of BioCarbon’s policies, procedures, or applicable laws and regulations.
If you want to know more about our Anti-Corruption Policy and Procedures, please contact us at
©Tom Klauss
Code of Ethics
- The ethical values and principles that shall guide our actions;
- Our commitment to comply with laws, rules, and regulations;
- The expected conduct when interacting with our internal and external stakeholders; and
- The Guidelines to enforcing the Code and using the Ethics and Compliance Channel we have established to communicate concerns, doubts, breaches, or violations of the Code of Ethics.
AML/CFT/CPF Policy and Procedures
BioCarbon is committed to actively contribute towards the international efforts concerning the eradication of all forms of financial crime.
Misuse of the financial system by criminals has led to a rise in criminal activity and reduced safety for individuals in Colombia and around the world. Money Laundering, Terrorist Financing and Proliferation Financing (ML/TF/PF) can have serious negative consequences for the economy, national security, society in general as well as for BioCarbon.
We are aware that carbon markets, like other financial markets, are also at risk of exploitation by criminals. In this context, BioCarbon has implemented it’s AML/CFT/CPF Policy and Procedures setting out the measures and standards to which BioCarbon’s personnel must adhere in order to prevent BioCarbon and any of its collaborators from being exploited by those engaging in ML/TF/PF and other criminal activities.
BioCarbon will not knowingly become involved in, or turn a blind eye to, arrangements that assist others to take part in activities contrary to the Anti-Money Laundering, Countering the Financing of Terrorism and Proliferation Financing (hereafter “AML/CFT/ CPF”) regulations and Sanctions Regimes.
BioCarbon’s personnel will not knowingly provide services to any person that is:
- Subject to financial sanctions in any jurisdiction;
- Knowingly in possession of the proceeds of crime or involved in the concealment of their origin, location or ownership;
- Involved in civil or criminal proceedings or scandals of any kind that can damage the reputation of BioCarbon; or
- Knowingly involved in the supply, storage, distribution of funds or property with the intent of being used by their holders to commit terrorist offences or for the purpose of financing proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, whether directly or indirectly.
For more information about our AML/CFT/CPF Policy and Procedures, contact us at
Grievance Mechanism and Compliance Channel
BioCarbon is committed to providing an open channel of communication to ensure transparency, effectiveness, and continouscontinuos improvement of our services and procedures.
Through our PCC channel, you can submit requests, claims, suggestions, and questions about the management, services, and procedures of our organization.
In line with our Code of Ethics and Values, BioCarbon has also established the Ethic and Compliance Channel to facilitate the submission of complaints (denunciation) and grievances by BioCarbon personnel and/or external stakeholders regarding.
Our Ethic and Compliance Channel can be used confidentially or anonymously, with full assurance and without fear of retaliation, to report any of the following acts:
- a. Transnational bribery and corruption
- b. Money laundering, financing of terrorism, and proliferation of weapons of mass destruction
- c. Conflicts of interest and other unethical behavior
- d. Fraud and misappropriation
- e. Accounting issues
- f. Anti-competitive conduct
- g. Falsification of documents
- h. Harassment and discrimination
- i. Non-compliance with the Code of Ethics, internal policies, and procedures
- j. Violations to human rights, labour rights and environmental rights
- k. Other matters
All of these concerns will be part of an investigation process under our Whistleblowing and Internal InvestigationPolicy.
If you want to know more about our Whistleblowing and Internal Investigation Policy, please contact us at

Record of grievances
Subject | Date of Submission | Status | Documents |